

From lifting to pore and wrinkle care!

2024/07/22 21:00

I want to combine facial skin care with face reduction and lift-up!

A popular course for such people is the


carbonated pack set course!

The official name of HIFU is High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, and the abbreviation HIFU stands for “High Intensity Focused Ultrasound”.

HIFU is a treatment that lifts loose skin and subcutaneous tissue using ultrasonic thermal energy. Specifically, we approach three layers: the subcutaneous dermis layer, the fat layer, and the SMAS fascia. SMAS fascia is a fibrous fascia tissue that supports the skin structure of the face, and when it loosens, it appears as sagging of the face.

Carboxy carbonated packs use gel and sheets to generate carbon dioxide gas, which promotes blood circulation, tightens pores, and gives skin a glow. By injecting carbon dioxide gas into the subcutaneous tissue, the cells become oxygen-starved and require large amounts of oxygen. As a result, oxygen in the blood is carried to cells, leading to activation of cell tissues. By promoting blood circulation, blood vessels expand, blood volume increases, and nutrients are distributed to cells, which can improve skin quality.

Separate courses are available, but if you choose a set course, the price is better, and the synergistic effect will reduce swelling, increase skin metabolism, and give you a more elastic skin in the future.

Please try it! We look forward to your visit!

Anggun by ARONA SPA(アングン バイ アロナスパ)

東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-25-10 4階
渋谷駅 徒歩3分


【渋谷 道玄坂 エステ ハイフ HIFU ドライヘッドスパ ヘッドスパ ダイエット 痩身 メンズ痩身 毛穴 毛穴洗浄 ダイエット くびれ 角質 水素 たるみ ハリ 針 リフトアップ 美白 トーンアップ デコルテ アンチエイジング しわ 首 肩こり 頭痛 小顔 眼精疲労 美容 美肌 カーボキシー ブライダルエステ facialspa facialtokyo shibuya 시부야 마사지】