

“If it’s a fatigue recovery course.” Shiatsu (Dry massage + Stretching)+Reflexology

2024/05/08  21:00

Stiff shoulders and tired legs from walking too much.

“Fatigue recovery course” was created to help you recover from such fatigue throughout your entire body.
You can add stretching if you wish! A dry massage will loosen stiffness from your entire body and soothe your stiff body.

It stretches stiff muscles, promotes blood circulation, relieves fatigue, and relieves stiffness. Recommended for people who lack exercise or have low muscle flexibility. (neck, shoulders, décolletage, back, waist, legs)

We look forward to your visit!

Anggun by ARONA SPA(アングン バイ アロナスパ)

東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-25-10 4階
渋谷駅 徒歩3分


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